Endless Years Cifra
por United Pursuit838 visualizações, adicionado aos favoritos 19 vezes
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G# C# G#
I will hold you child, when all is done
Fm C# D#
When the world is gone and the songs have been sung
G# C# G#
You will be with me through endless years
Fm C# D#
We will dance and sing when you heart is fulfilled
C# G#
Don’t you close your eyes
Fm C#
Don't you lose your way
G# C# D#
Don't you miss all the gifts that are unforeseen
C# G#
I'm your anchor and shield
Fm C#
I'm the wind in your sails
G# C# D# C#
I'm the song in your heart, The God who saves.
Endless Years – United Pursuit
How to play
"Endless Years"