Rocket Tab

por The Smashing Pumpkins
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Autor: paddyirishman [a] 7.760. Última edição em 13 de fev. de 2014
Temos uma Tablatura Oficial de Rocket criada pelos guitarristas profissionais do UG.
Confira a tablatura
                       S M A S H I N G   P U M P K I N S
                                  R O C K E T
                                 SIAMESE DREAM
                           (c) Virgin Records (1993)
                                Standard Tuning
                                  E A D G B E
                                 Tempo = 86 BPM
                               Time Signature = 4/4
                                 Transcribed by
                                 PADDY MCMULLAN
                           pmtabs (@t) gmail [dot] com
                                   Version 1.1
                                9th January 2012
                      (Corrections Outlined at Bottom of Tab)
                             Tablature Symbols Used:
 p         -  Pull-Off
 h         -  Hammer-On
 14b16     -  Bend Note
 16r14     -  Release Bend
 ~~        -  Vibrato
 (/)       -  Legato Slide (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 \         -  Slide Down to/Down From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 /         -  Slide Up To/Up From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 ( )       -  Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
 REST      -  Rest and sustain rest for duration of blank space
 x\x\x     -  Pick Scrapes
 v         -  Up Stroke/Strum Up (From high to low strings)
 ^         -  Down Stroke/Strum down (From low to high strings)
Part 1: Guitars 1 & 2 w/ Distortion                       [ Time 00:00 - 00:56 ]
Guitar 2 joins in after the first repeat
||------------------------5------| |
||--------3-----5p3---3-------3--| |
||--5----------------------------|*| x 4
||-------------------------------| |
||-------------------------------| |
|--5-----------3----0--2--|-(2)-2--2--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-0-0-|| x 1
               ^    v  ^        ^  ^  ^ v ^ v ^ v ^ v ^ v
Part 2: Guitars 1, 2 & 3                                  [ Time 00:56 - 01:18 ]
Guitars 1 & 2:
||--3----3--3-3-------------|--------------------------| |
||--3----3--3-3-3----3--3-3-|--------------1----1--1-1-| |
||--0----0--0-0-0----0--0-0-|--3----3--3-3-2----2--2-2-|*| x 4
||--2----2--2-2-0----0--0-0-|--3----3--3-3-3----3--3-3-| |
||--3----3--3-3-------------|--1----1--1-1-------------| |
    ^    ^  ^ v ^    ^  ^ v    ^    ^  ^ v ^    ^  ^ v
Guitar 3: w/ Distortion
* Let notes ring wherever possible *
Note the slight variation in the fourth bar
Part 3: Guitars 1, 2 & 4                                  [ Time 01:18 - 02:12 ]
Guitars 1 & 2:
Repeat Part 1 twice; Guitar 1 replaces the last bar with the following:
|----------------------10\  --||
|----------------------10\  --||
Both guitars continue:
    ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^     ^  ^ v ^  ^ v ^ v ^ v ^ v ^ v
|------------------------------|----------------------10\  --|
|------------------------------|----------------------10\  --|
   ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^     ^  ^ v ^  ^ v ^ v ^ v ^ v ^ v
   ^    ^    ^     ^   v    ^   ^ v ^   ^ v ^   ^ v ^   ^ v
Guitar 4: w/ Distortion & Octave Pedal
 4                                            5               6
|----------------------------(10h12b14r12)--||--(12)---------|--R--    -|
|--10h12~~---10h12~~---10h12----------------||---------------|--E--    -|
|-------------------------------------------||---------------|--S--    -|
|-------------------------------------------||---------------|--T--    -|
 7                         8                         9
|--  ---------------------|-------------------------|-------R-      -|
|--  --(9  r7)-----(4  /  |  7)---------------------|-------E-      -|
|--  ---------------------|-------(7  b 9)--(7  r5)-|--(5)--S-      -|
|--  ---------------------|-------------------------|-------T-      -|
 10           11                           12
|---       --|--   --(10 r8)-----(12 r10)-|--(10)---(13r12)----(12 b  |
|---       --|--   -----------------------|---------------------------|
|---       --|--   -----------------------|---------------------------|
|--        --|--   -----------------------|---------------------------|
 13                  14                  15
| 13)---------------|--R--            --|-------------------------------|
|-------------------|--E--            --|-(5    b  7)---(4h5p4p0)-2~~---|
|-------------------|--S--            --|--x----------------------------|
|-------------------|--T--            --|-------------------------------|
 16                         17                  18
|-----------------(5   b   |  8)---------------|--R--     --|
|-(2)-(2h4p2p0)------------|-------------------|--E--     --|
|--------------------------|-------------------|--S--     --|
|--------------------------|-------------------|--T--     --|
 19                          20
The octave pedal is set one octave lower than the written notes
Part 4: Guitars 1, 2, 4 & 5                               [ Time 02:12 - 02:33 ]
Guitars 1 & 2:
||----------------------------|-----------------------------| |
||--3--3--3--3-3--------------|--1--1--1--1-0---------------| |
||--0--0--0--0-0-2--2--2--0-0-|--2--2--2--2-2-0--0-0-0--0-0-|*| x 4
||--0--0--0--0-0-0--0--0--0-0-|--3--3--3--3-3-2--2-2-2--0-0-| |
||----------------------------|---------------3--3-3-3------| |
|---------------3--3-3- /15\  --||
Guitar 4:
||--R--          --|--     ---------------------|--R--    ----------|
||--E--          --|--     --(4b5r4b5r4) /7~~---|--E--    ----------|
||--S--          --|--     ---------------------|--S--    ----------|
||--T--          --|--     ---------------------|--T--    ----------|
|--       --12------------------|------------------|--(10   r   8)--  \--|
|--       ----------------------|--(7   b   9)-----|---------------------|
|--       ----------------------|------------------|---------------------|
|--       ----------------------|------------------|---------------------|
|--7-------- /9~~-------|--(4 b 5 r 4 b 5 r 4)----||
Guitar 5: w/ Distortion & Octave Pedal
Rest for 5 bars
|--R--   -------------|------------------R-  -|
|--E--   --(9   r 7)--|--(7)------ \6----E-  -|
|--S--   -------------|------------------S-  -|
|--T--   -------------|------------------T-  -|
Part 5: Guitars 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5                            [ Time 02:33 - 03:00 ]
Guitars 1 & 2: repeat Part 2 four times, then play the following:
Guitar 3: Repeat Part 2
Guitar 4:
||---------------(10   r | 8)~~--------------|--R--            --|
||-(4)-------------------|-------------------|--E--            --|
||-----------------------|-------------------|--S--            --|
||-----------------------|-------------------|--T--            --|
|--        --|--   --(10  b   12 r |   10)--------8~~-----|
|--        --|--   ----------------|----------------------|
|--        --|--   ----------------|----------------------|
|--        --|--   ----------------|----------------------|
Guitar 5:
|-- /19--17--16--17--16-----------|------------------------------------|
Part 6: Guitars 1, 2, 3 & 4                               [ Time 03:00 - 03:33 ]
Guitars 1 & 2 rest for 4 bars before joining in; guitar 4 rests for 8 bars
Guitars 1 & 2: repeat part 4 four times
Guitar 3:
Allow the notes on the G-string to ring out
|------------------------------------------| |
|-----8-12-12--- /15-15-12---13-12---13-12-| |
|------------------------------------------|*| x 6
|------------------------------------------| |
|------------------------------------------| |
Guitar 4: repeat Part 3 once
Outro: Guitars 1, 2, 3 & 4                 Tempo = 86 BPM [ Time 03:33 - 04:06 ]
Guitars 1 & 2:
    ^    ^  ^ v ^    ^  ^ v    ^    ^  ^ v ^    ^  ^ v
   ^    ^  ^ v ^    ^  ^ v    ^    ^    ^    ^
                               //-----------Tremolo Picking------------\\
|--0-------------pick scrapes--|-------------------|--------------------|
|--2---------------x\    ------|-------------------|--------------------|
|--3---------------x\    ------|-------------------|--------------------|
|-----------10\  --x\    ------|--3----------------|--4--------5--------|
 //-----------------Tremolo Picking------------------\\
|----------------------|------------------------------|-----------------R-  -||
|----------------------|------------------------------|--0----0----0----E-  -||
|----------------------|------------------------------|--0----0----0----S-  -||
|----------------------|------------------------------|--2----2----2----T-  -||
                                                         ^    ^    ^
Guitar 3:
|-----8-12-12--- /15-15-12---13-12---13-12-|
                                             //--Tremolo Picking--\\
|---------------------|---------------R--  --|--12-----------------|
|--10~~---------------|--(10  b  12)--E--  --|---------------------|
|---------------------|---------------S--  --|---------------------|
|---------------------|---------------T--  --|---------------------|
//-----------------------------Tremolo Picking-------------------------------\\
|--19b24~~----R--    --||
|-------------E--    --||
|-------------S--    --||
|-------------T--    --||
Guitar 4:
||--(12    r   10)-------|--(13  r 12)--------------|--(12   r    10)-------|
                                                        //-Tremolo Picking-\\
|--13----12--10------12b13-(10\8)--|--(10 b 12)--R-    -|----------------|
|----------------------------------|-------------E-    -|--7-------------|
|----------------------------------|-------------S-    -|----------------|
|----------------------------------|-------------T-    -|----------------|
//-----------------Tremolo Picking---------------\\
//--------Tremolo Picking----------\\
|------------------------------------|------------R--       --||
|--14----15----16----17----18----19--|--23b25~~---E--       --||
|------------------------------------|------------S--       --||
|------------------------------------|------------T--       --||
Tab summary:        Part 1 x 4
                    Part 2 x 4
                    Part 3 x 1
                    Part 4 x 4
                    Part 5 x 4
                    Part 6 x 1
                    Outro x 1
Corrections (09/01/12):
* Transposed the 9th note of bar 1 to the G string (including all repeats of
  this bar)
* Corrected the first chord in bar 5 (bar 17 in reality)
Ao ajudar o UG, você torna o mundo melhor... e ganha QI
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Rocket – The Smashing Pumpkins
How to play
Wow, this is the most complete tab I've seen, for ANY song! Well done.
Cheers rafa! :D The official book's inaccuracy is what made me tab it out myself haha, I'll probably never buy another tab book again unless it's been tabbed by the musicians themselves, which is extremely rare (even the "musician approved" tab books aren't much better!). Thanks again man.
I agree totally with you, I have some books of the RHCPs, and some things on the tabs are absolutely insane, at least most of it is right. And I see you have tabbed other songs by the 'Pumpkins, gonna take a look at them. See ya!