For The Beauty Of The Earth Cifra

por Misc Praise Songs/Folliott S. Pierpont & Conrad Kocher
1270 visualizações, adicionado aos favoritos 145 vezes
I found a lot of these hymn versions, and I felt like there needed to be a more simplified version for those of us who don't like to change chords on every beat. My husband and I checked: this does fit with the original hymn in the United Methodist hymnal, too.Essa informação foi útil?
Dificuldade: iniciante absoluto
Afinação: E A D G B E
Capotraste: sem capo
Autor(a) jenniferivybrown [a] 31.
total de 1 colaborador, última edição em 6/06/2019




Ainda não há um padrão de dedilhado para esta música. Criar e ganhe +5 IQ
[Verse 1]
G       D       C     G
For the beauty of the earth
C       G       D     G
For the glory of the skies,
G       D       C     G
For the love which from our birth
C       G       D     G
Over and around us lies.
G               D     G
Lord of all, to Thee we raise,
C       G       D     G
This our hymn of grateful praise.
[Verse 2]
G       D       C     G
For the beauty of each hour,
C       G       D     G
Of the day and of the night,
G       D       C     G
Hill and vale, and tree and flower,
C       G       D     G
Sun and moon, and stars of light.
G               D     G
Lord of all, to Thee we raise,
C       G       D     G
This our hymn of grateful praise.
[Verse 3]
G       D       C     G
For the joy of ear and eye,
C       G       D     G
For the heart and mind's delight,
G       D       C     G
For the mystic harmony
C       G       D     G
Linking sense to sound and sight.
G               D     G
Lord of all, to Thee we raise,
C       G       D     G
This our hymn of grateful praise.
[Verse 4]
G       D       C     G
For the joy of human love,
C       G       D     G
Brother, sister, parent, child,
G       D       C     G
Friends on earth and friends above,
C       G       D     G
For all gentle thoughts and mild.
G               D     G
Lord of all, to Thee we raise,
C       G       D     G
This our hymn of grateful praise.
[Verse 5]
G       D       C     G
For Thy Church that evermore
C       G       D     G
Lifteth holy hands above,
G       D       C     G
Offering up on every shore
C       G       D     G
Her pure sacrifice of love.
G               D     G
Lord of all, to Thee we raise,
C       G       D     G
This our hymn of grateful praise.
[Verse 6]
G       D       C     G
For Thyself, best gift divine,
C       G       D     G
To the world so freely given,
G       D       C     G
For that great, great love of Thine,
C       G       D     G
Peace on earth and joy in heaven.
G               D     G
Lord of all, to Thee we raise,
C       G       D     G
This our hymn of grateful praise.
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