Unrequited Love Cifra

por Masked Intruder
3693 visualizações, adicionado aos favoritos 89 vezes
Dificuldade: iniciante
Capotraste: sem capo
Autor(a) assartose [a] 32. Última alteração em 10/08/2014




Ainda não há um padrão de dedilhado para esta música. Criar e ganhe +5 IQ
           A             F#m
I'm in love, unrequited love
     Bm         Dm
Nobody cares for me
           A             F#m
I'm in love, unrequited love
     Bm         Dm
Nobody cares for me
A                                         F#m E
Every single day is lonelier than the last
A                                                  F#m E
Cried so many tears that I had to wring out my mask
Eating my banana splits alone is awful cold
Life's so lonely when there's no one there to hold
Bm                                                   E
Seems cold and lonely is the way it's always gonna be
                 A            F#m
Cause I'm in love, unrequited love 
    Bm         Dm
Nobody cares for me
           A             F#m
I'm in love, unrequited love
     Bm         Dm
Nobody cares for me
A                                         F#m E
Every single day is lonelier than the last
A                                                  F#m E
Cried so many tears that I had to wring out my mask
Eating my banana splits alone is awful cold
Life's so lonely when there's no one there to hold
Bm                                                   E
Seems cold and lonely is the way it's always gonna be
           A             F#m
I'm in love, unrequited love
     Bm         Dm  E
Nobody cares for me
           A             F#m
I'm in love, unrequited love
     Bm         Dm
Nobody cares for me
                 A            F#m
Cause I'm in love, unrequited love 
    Bm         Dm
Nobody cares for me
           A             F#m
I'm in love, unrequited love
     Bm         Dm
Nobody cares for me
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Unrequited Love – Masked Intruder
How to play
"Unrequited Love"