Let Me Fall Cifra

por Josh Gracin
298 visualizações, adicionado aos favoritos 15 vezes
Dificuldade: intermediário
Capotraste: sem capo
Autor(a) Unregistered. Última alteração em 22/08/2017




Ainda não há um padrão de dedilhado para esta música. Criar e ganhe +5 IQ
              D                   G
I watched you wave goodbye as you rolled down our drive
        Bm         A            G
Without one single tear in your eyes
  D                            G
I tried to be strong, forced a smile, said girl go on
        Bm             A             G A
I'll be fine don't you worry bout me
    Bm     A             G  A
But inside I was holdin' on
Bm           A                 G               A
Prayin' that you might see I'm all you'll ever need
D                  Bm                 G                              A
How do I hurt, and how do I cry, when so many times you let me down?
D                    Bm                    G                      A
Where do I turn, and where do I hide, with all this emptiness in- side?
        Bm        A             G    A         D    G
There's no use in lovin' you at all, so let me fall
         D                                    G
I try to make it through the days of throwin' all those things away
    Bm            A          G
The ones that re- mind me of you
D                                     Bm
Soon they'll be nothin' left, but the bed where you laid your head
    G                      D       A
The one that I wake up in, without you
D                  Bm                 G                              A
How do I hurt, and how do I cry, when so many times you let me down?
    D                    Bm                    G                      A
And where do I turn, and where do I hide, with all this emptiness in- side?
        Bm        A             G    A
There's no use in lovin' you at all, so let me fall
D                  Bm            C# D    G                     A
How do I hurt, and how do I cry, when so many times you let me down?
D                    Bm                    G                  A
Where do I turn, and where do I hide, with all this emptiness inside?
        Bm        A                 G A
There's no use in lovin' you at all
        Bm        G             A
There's no use in lovin' you at all
          D     G      Bm   A G D G
So let me fall, let me fall | -----
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Let Me Fall – Josh Gracin
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"Let Me Fall"