O Green World Bass
por Gorillaz569 visualizações, adicionado aos favoritos 2 vezes
Dificuldade: | iniciante |
Capotraste: | sem capo |
Autor(a) Unregistered. Última alteração em 11/02/2014
G 12--12--12--10----------12--12--12--10--10---12--12--12--10-----------|
D --------------0--0--0--0-----------------------------------0--0--0--0-|
A ----------------------------------------------------------------------|
E ----------------------------------------------------------------------|
Repeat as Necessary
O Green World – Gorillaz
How to play
"O Green World"
2 comentários
Lack of accuracy. Clearly wrong. very wrong ajkw ef akjsdf jgfqerwiu gfh qieuh so wrong guys just look at it ajf qieorg f3qui qp34ir 12uhrc ijewf klasjf qirugh pqi o4t324g
Clearly wrong. The intro section is simply not there, and the rest is vaguely accurate but not at all useful. There are simply much better tabs out there!