Wounded One Cifra

por Davy Flowers
15 346 visualizações, adicionado aos favoritos 678 vezes
Dificuldade: iniciante
Afinação: E A D G B E
Capotraste: sem capo
Autor(a) majivugirl [a] 110.
total de 1 colaborador, última edição em 13/09/2024




Ainda não há um padrão de dedilhado para esta música. Criar e ganhe +5 IQ
[Verse 1]
G      D      Em           C
Worthy is the lamb who was slain
     G               D                       Em         C

Who broke down the great wall of enmity and gave me His name
G            D                   Em        C

How gracious is my Redeemer King Jesus the Son of the Highest
G            D                    Em      C

What could I possibly give to you but the fragrance of my

G    C       B7      C

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, 
G     C       B7     C
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

G              D         Em       C

Praise be to the wounded one
G             D        Em       C

Glory and honor to the Son
       G                       D         Em          C

We ascribe worth and give love to you Lord
            G         D         Em            C

Let the fragrance of our love go forth
[Verse 2]
G      D     Em           C

Holy is the man of sorrows
G              D                     Em                 C

Destroying the works of the evil one all with your own blood
     G       D                          Em     C

and mercies before and behind you such beauty all--around you 
G         D                    Em       C
how could I ever repay you but with the fragrance of my 
G    C       B7      C

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, 
G     C       B7     C
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
G                     D                Em                C
We lift our gaze, we lift our gaze, we lift our gaze, we lift our gaze 
G                     D                Em                C
We lift our gaze, we lift our gaze, we lift our gaze, we lift our gaze 
G              D               Em              C
You are higher, You are higher, You are Higher, You are Higher 
G              D               Em              C
You are higher, You are higher, You are Higher, You are Higher 
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Wounded One – Davy Flowers
How to play
"Wounded One"
1 comentário
I love this song and plan to use is for worship in church.