Lichmistress Tab

por Cryptopsy
329 visualizações, adicionado aos favoritos 3 vezes
Capotraste: sem capo
Autor(a) waldochj [a] 10 577. Última alteração em 13/02/2014
Tuning: B E A D F# B
.    -   palm mute          / - slide up to
\    -   slide down to      ~ - vibrato
h    -   hammer on          b - Bend
p    -   pull off           Suffixes for bend
t    -   tap                f - full bend     h - half bend
ph   -   pinched harmonic   q - quarter bend t - tap bend
*    -   see comment        ^ - Hold bend     r release bend
x    -   Stuccatto          ~ - vibrato bend
,    -   slight palm mute   () - ghost note, sustained note
"    -   tremolo note       <> - Trill
nh – natural harmonic (lightly touch a string over the fret indicated
                       in TAB and pick)
d - downstroke
u - upstroke
Guitar 1 = Left channel
Guitar 2 = Right channel
Note: it’s hard to get into the rhythm and all the breaks
      (Hey, we’re talking about Cryptopsy...) so listen carefully
RIFF 1 (0:00) gtr. 2 / intro
RIFF 1 (0:00) gtr. 1 / intro
RIFF 1 continue both gtr.
  .                        .
RIFF 1 continue both gtr.
  .                        .
RIFF 1 continue both gtr.
  .                        .                                       . . .
Break 1 (0:25) both gtr.
  .. .. .. ..
RIFF 2 (0:26) both gtr. = 2 times
                                                    . . . . . . . .
Break 2 (0:38) both gtr.
  .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . .
RIFF 3 (0:41) both gtr. = 4 times
RIFF 3 ending
both gtr. (0:53)
RIFF 4 (0:55) both gtr. = 8 times
                      . .
RIFF 5 (1:11) both gtr.
        . .         . .       . . . . .             . .   .
RIFF 6 (1:18) both gtr.
  . .
again RIFF 4 (1:31) = 8 times
again RIFF 2 (1:46) = 2 times
again RIFF 3 (1:58) = 4 times
RIFF 3 ending 2
both gtr. (2:10)
again RIFF 2 (2:12) = 2 times
ending both gtr. = 3 times
  . . . . . . . .
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