Knee Deep Tab

por CKY
3008 visualizações, adicionado aos favoritos 16 vezes
Capotraste: sem capo
Autor(a) elementos [a] 315. Última alteração em 13/02/2014
Tuning (Usual Cky tuning)
Distortion starts at the first power chord
Keep distortion on
Distortion off
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Do that four times
Do that two times
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Do that three times,last two
times with distortion,keep
distortion on
Do that twice
Do this twice
Do this twice
Do this twice
Guitar 1
Guitar 2
Do this twice
2005 by Kevin Johnson (elementos as you know)
Ao ajudar o UG, você melhora o mundo... e aumenta seu QI
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Knee Deep – CKY
How to play
"Knee Deep"
2 comentários
Great tab.Follows song like 97% exact.
I say that,and submitted it.Cool.