Run Ukulele

por Christina Perri
197 visualizações, adicionado aos favoritos 12 vezes
Dificuldade: intermediário
Afinação: G C E A
Capotraste: sem capo
Autor(a) Unregistered. Última alteração em 11/02/2014




Ainda não há um padrão de dedilhado para esta música. Criar e ganhe +5 IQ
Run by Christina Perri
The album is not out yet so there are some lyrics that I couldn't quite figure out.
When she plays it live I believe that for the C7 and the E7 she plays the
same shape as the B7. The C7 would be a half step up on the 3rd fret and the
E7 would be 2 and a half steps up to the 7th fret.
  Dm  F   F   A7  E   F7  Dm  A7       Dm  A7
|-0---3---0---2---7---0---5---0--|   |-0---0--|You can also play
|-0---3---1---0---7---1---5---5--|   |-1---0--|these chord shapes
|-0---4---0---2---8---3---5---7--|   |-2---1--|for the bridge.
|-2---5---2---1---9---2---7---6--|   |-2---0--|
|-2---5---3---2---9---3---7---7--|   |-0---2--|
|-0---3-----------7-------5------|   |-----0--|
Intro: Dm F F A7 X2
Verse 1:
Dm        F                F              A7
Why do I breath with whats beating in my chest
Dm             F                F                  A7
You think I'd learn better now cuz I can't get any rest
Dm         F         F     A7
Cuz I keep trying to find happiness 
Dm     F     A7
In everybody else
Interlude: Dm F F A7
Verse 2:
Dm         F              F             A7
......... finger is from pointing to my mistakes
Dm        F            F                  A7
I want no part of the feelings you worse made
Dm              F      F        A7
so then go and let me love you today
F               E
Your so damn difficult  
    Dm         F            F
You believe a heart in your hand
F                            E
And I cant believe you make me work for it
Dm        F     F
Now from what I understand 
And why I run as fast as I can
Interlude: Dm F F A7 X2
Verse 3:
Dm              F               F          A7
And I can feel everything i can feel your emptiness
Dm            F                F               A7
And I don't believe there is a way out of this mess
Dm     F        F              A7
Unless I can forgive all your sins
Dm          F           F    A7       F7    A7    F7  A7
I will not I'll never laugh again         again
               Dm         A7
You see right through my words
          Dm        A7
See I am just like you
         Dm                 A7
Watch me stomp on my sweet shoes
         Dm      A7
All your lies
         Dm      A7
All your lies
         Dm      A7   F7    A7
All your lies
F               E
Your so damn difficult  
    Dm         F            F
You believe a heart in your hand
F                            E
And I cant believe you make me work for it
Dm        F     F
Now from what I understand 
           A7               Dm    F    F    A7   Dm
And why i run as fast as i can
Ao ajudar o UG, você melhora o mundo... e aumenta seu QI
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Run – Christina Perri
How to play
1 comentário
Instead of double A#, the second one in each of the pairs should be Eb. Also, the lyrics are ridiculously inaccurate.