The Shadow Of Your Smile Cifra
por Bobby Darin38 313 visualizações, adicionado aos favoritos 311 vezes
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Autor(a) Unregistered. total de 1 colaborador, última edição em 8/12/2016
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The Shadow Of Your Smile:Bobby Darin.
On The charts in '66.
#1. [Verse]
Dm Em7 A7 Dm G9
The shadow of your smile, when you are gone,
Dm Gm7 C7 F
Will color all my dreams, and light the dawn.
CM7 F#m7 B7 Em B+ Em7
Look into my eyes, my love, and see,
Dm6 E7 A#7 Em7 A7
All the lovely things you are to me.
#2. [Verse]
NC FM7 B7 Em B+ Em7
Our wistful little star went far too high,
Dm6 Gm7 C7 Am7-5 D7
A teardrop kissed your lips, and so did I.
Gm7 A#m7
Now when I remember spring,
D#7 Am7-5 D7
All the joy that love can bring,
G7 Gm7 C9 C7/9 F Fdim. Gm7 A#m7 F
I will be remembering, the shadow of your smile.
REPEAT#1 & #2.
A sixties smash from Kraziekhat.
1 comentário
nice n easy