Walls Ukulele

por Beck
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Autor(a) Unregistered. Última alteração em 11/02/2014




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Beck - Walls
Play with muted barred chords. Note that the F G# Bb progression are
just single strums.
Verse   Bb                                 G#
          Some days we get a thrill in our brains
                     F     G#     Bb
        Some days it turns into malaise
        You see your face in the veneer
                            F    G# Bb
        Reflected on the surface of fear
        Because you know we're better than that
                                       F   G#  Bb
        But some days we're worse than you can imagine
        And how am I supposed to live with that
                                      F    G#    Bb
        With all these train wrecks coming at random
Chorus                         F#
        Hey what are you gonna do
                   G#                Bb
        When those walls are falling down
                        G#      F G# Bb
        Falling down on you
        Hey what are you gonna do
                   G#                Bb
        When those walls are falling down
                        G#           F G# Bb
        Falling down on you
Verse                                     G#
        You got warheads stacked in the kitchen
                                   F    G#  Bb
        You treat distraction like it's a religion
        With a rattlesnake step in your rhythm
                                  F      G#      Bb
        We do the best with the souls we've been given
        Because you know we're nothing special to them
                                   F      G#   Bb
        We're going some place they've already been
        Trying to make sense of what they call wisdom
                                     F     G#  Bb
        And this riff raff ain't laughing with them
Chorus                         F#
        Hey what are you gonna do.
                   G#                Bb
        When those walls are falling down
                        G#    F G# Bb
        Falling down on you
        Hey what are you gonna do.
                   G#                Bb
        When those walls are falling down
                        G#    F G# Bb
        Falling down on you
Verse                                           G#
        You're wearing all of the years on your face
                             F    G#     Bb
        Turn a tombstone you roll into place
        And your heart only beats in a murmur
                                F    G#   Bb
        But your words ring out just like murder
Tabbed in May 2012.    Hope you enjoy it.  Joern
Send any corrections or comments to:    MCWZQQGXYUHK@spammotel.com
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Walls – Beck
How to play