Tuesday Cifra

por Amy Fairchild
219 visualizações, adicionado aos favoritos 2 vezes
Dificuldade: iniciante
Capotraste: sem capo
Autor(a) zig_zag91 [a] 144. Última alteração em 13/02/2014




Ainda não há um padrão de dedilhado para esta música. Criar e ganhe +5 IQ
Open (no capo)
Intro: G Gmaj7 G (2x)
G            Gmaj7    G      Gmaj7   G
I guess I’ll see you around
G            Gmaj7            G      Gmaj7   G
I’m taking a trip and leaving town
C                              G
And I can’t decide on which airline
C                          D
Never really had a fear of flying
                     G      Gmaj7      G
And I’m sure I’ll be fine
G      Gmaj7      G
G     Gmaj7      G      Gmaj7   G
I can see it all now
G    Gmaj7            G        Gmaj7   G
Everyone was running around
    C                            G
And by the time I got you on the line
    C                            D
The world was no longer yours or mine
And I wasn’t fine
    G              C
Cuz way across the river
  G              D
I heard the city cry
  G               Em
I lost my mind on Tuesday
C                 D        G      Gmaj7      G
Kiss the life you knew goodbye
G      Gmaj7      G
G     Gmaj7              G        Gmaj7   G
I see things so differently now
G       Gmaj7       G             Gmaj7   G
You can hang there, floating on a cloud
    C                        G
And live your life in future time
C                          D
I’m gonna take it from the vine
                       G      Gmaj7      G
This is the end of the line
G      Gmaj7      G
    G              C
Cuz way across the river
  G                D
I heard the sirens cry
  G               Em
I lost my mind on Tuesday
C                 D        G      Gmaj7      G
Kiss the life you knew goodbye
G      Gmaj7      G
    G              C
Cuz way across the river
  G          D
I saw people dying
  G               Em
I lost my mind on Tuesday
C                 D        G      Gmaj7      G
Kiss the life you knew goodbye
Outro: two measures of G, then once through the verse chords
Amy Fairchild website: http://www.amyfairchild.com
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Tuesday – Amy Fairchild
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