Sealed With A Kiss Cifra
por Cisse Häkkinen1276 visualizações, adicionado aos favoritos 24 vezes
Dificuldade: | intermediário |
Afinação: | E A D G B E |
Capotraste: | Traste 1 |
Ainda não há um padrão de dedilhado para esta música. Criar e ganhe +5 IQ
Em Em
A Am
Though we gotta say good-bye
for the summer
Am D G
Darling, I promise you this
E7 Am D
I'll send you all my love
B7 Em Am
everyday in a letter
B7 Em
Sealed with a kiss
A Am
Yes, it's gonna be cold
lonely summer
Am D G
But I'll fill the emptiness
E7 Am
I'll send you all my dreams
D B7 Em Am
everyday in a letter
B7 Em
Sealed with a kiss
A Em
I'll see you in the sunlight
A Em
I'll hear your voice everywhere
A Em
I'll run to tenderly hold you
F# B7
but, Darlin' you won't be there
Em A Am
I don't wanna say good-bye
for the summer
Am D G
Knowing the love we'll miss
E7 Am D
Oh, let us make a pledge
B7 Em
to meet in September
Am B7 Em
and seal it with a kiss
Em A Em Am D G E7
Am B7 Em Am B7 Em
Fm Bb Bbm
Yes, it's gonna be cold
lonely summer
Bbm Eb G#
But I'll fill the emptiness
F7 Bbm Eb
I'll send you all my dreams
C7 Fm Bbm
everyday in a letter
Eb Fm Bbm
Sealed with a kiss
Eb Fm Bbm
Sealed with a kiss
Eb F
Sealed with a kiss
Sealed With A Kiss – Cisse Häkkinen
How to play
"Sealed With A Kiss"
3 comentários
Tässähän kanssa ois tuo viimeinen verse askeleen korkeammalla, niin kuin alkuperäisessäkin..
Tästä tuli nyt tällänen!
Pitää paikkansa, ei pitäis jättää näitä kesken eräisiksi,
mutta korjailen!
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