Bite Cifra

por Skirts
13 visualizações, adicionado aos favoritos 1 vez
Easy to read and all chords are here.Essa informação foi útil?
Dificuldade: iniciante absoluto
Afinação: E A D G B E
Tom: C
Capotraste: sem capo
Autor(a) tholomyes28 [a] 419. Última alteração em 25/03/2022




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bite by skirts
Tabbed by p.b
C  G  C  G
[Verse 1]
 C              G
Take a bite of this
C                   G
Apple I don’t want it
C               G
Take a bite of me
C                  G
'Til I don’t want it
C                     G
I’ll call you when I want
        C               G
It will be when you're moving on
     C                      G
I’ll look at you from the crowd
      C                  G
Cause I’m moved by your song
[Verse 2]
 C                  G
Tell me about your trip
  C             G
I’m not really interested
 C                   G
Tell me you’ll miss me
         C               G
When I’m studying in the east
C  G  C  G x2
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Bite – Skirts
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